Kyono ART Clinic Takanawa is an infertility treatment facility specializing in assisted reproductive technology (ART).
Information regarding medical examinations available at this clinic.
Failure to achieve pregnancy within two years or more, despite having normal conjugal relations.
Immunological infertility and other problems are considered to be causes of infertility.
Infertility is not only caused by female factors. 30-40% of all infertility cases are due to male factors, and 20% of all cases are due to both male and female factors. From this, cause of infertility is almost 50-50.
Seminal examination, palpation and visual inspection, ultrasound examination and hormone test. Chromosomal test, AZF test, as needed.
Micro-TESE, Simple-TESE, spermatic vericocele (basically, one day surgery under local anesthesia is performed)
Medical interview, pelvic examination, hormone test, AMH, hysterosalpingography (HSG), basal body temperature, post-coital test, cervical mucosa, antisperm antibody, hysteroscopy, chlamydia test, cancer screening, etc.
When the cause of infertility is unknown, combination treatment of in-vitro fertilization and micro fertilization may be implemented. For globozoospermia, or when fertilization rate by ICSI is less than 30%, combination treatment of ICSI and oocyte activation (Ca ionophore and strontium) may be implemented.